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 Film Work: Matte Painting & Concept

Matte Painter and Concept Artist 2007-2013

Before joining Niantic, I worked for many years as a Matte Painter and Concept Artist in film.   Below are just a few examples of the work I completed during that time. 

Star Trek: Into Darkness

Concepting and Matte Painting for Planetoid Sequence

Check out "The Art of VFX" breakdown of these scenes and others!


STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS: Kevin Baillie – VFX Supervisor – Atomic Fiction


Concepting and Matte Painting for Kansas City Sequences

Terminator Genisys



Concepting and Matte Painting for Airport, Taxi and Crash Sequences

Captain America

Worlds Fair Interiors 

Yellow Submarine

Bandstand Concepts

A Christmas Carol

Ghost of Christmas Past Forest sequence

Mars Needs Moms

Trash Sequence & Citadel Paint Sequence

Cool Stuff I've been a part of...

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